Saturday, October 23, 2010


A few weeks ago, I was able to take a little time off and go back home. Since I haven't been back since last Christmas, it was nice to see everyone again. :)

This was just a little bitty kitty back in June. Now he's just a grumpy kitty when Lois holds him.
Tom's cousin, Libby, is a freshman at OSU. She'll be applying to the OSU nursing program this Spring. I had no influence on her decision to be a Buckeye ;)....
The newly renovated OSU library is gorgeous. Big beautiful windows and nice sittings areas for studying...If this was here when I was there, I would have studied there all the time!
On my trek across campus to pick up Libby, I saw that Celina marching band would be playing.
These are Alicia's folks, Papa George and Momma Peg.
Alicia and I at the game. Her family graciously gave me a ticket to watch the game with them.

This is my favorite bar in Columbus. Paula (pictured below) and I were both in the OSU nursing program. We spent many days studying at the Dube, eating potato skins, and drinking beers. Paula bartends on the weekend at the Dube, and is sometimes super nice by giving me a "nursing discount" when I come in.

Abbe had to work like a million hours at the hospital the weekend I came to visit. After staying up for like 2 days straight, she still found the time to meet me for a walk around campus.
On Abbe and I's walk, we visited the new union....which is freakin amazing. It's so nice, it's not even fair. When I was OSU, I lived at the Union doing all kinds of leadership and group activities. I remember the 1950's decor and how everything was falling apart and smelling a little funny. The new Union is ridiculously nice. If any of you remember the Union the way I remember it, go to the new one and marvel on what could have been if they only built it a few years earlier before we graduated. :)

Bridal Shower: Kate W.

A few weeks ago, we had a bridal shower at work. Our Business Office Director, Kate is getting married this weekend. I have the priviledge of making the trip with them to Vegas in a few days!

We didn't have to wear butterfly wings for the bridal shower :) ....It was a decoration that everyone thought would be fun to wear for the pics.

Lazy Sundays

Here are a few pics of a lazy Sunday morning...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Big People Furniture

We finally decided to buy real, non-ikea, fully assembled furniture. We needed a sideboard for extra glassware storage and we found this awesome sideboard at Crate and Barrel. It felt a little bit like Christmas opening this up. It looks fantastic and matching the rest of the furniture really well! :)

Football Party!

A few weekends ago Tom and I had people over to watch college football all day long! Our college football party was complete with games of beer pong, cornhole, flip cup, foot races and made up frisbee drinking games. The night ended with poker, and Lady and Doogie cuddling on the couch. :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Henry meets Lady

We had the pleasure of dogsitting Henry over a weekend. After a few days him and Lady became good friends....

Lady Graduates!

Lady graduated puppy school!