Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Work Hard, Play Hard: Part 2


Portland's Holiday Ale Festival ( http://holidayale.com/index.php ) was a blast this year. There were a lot of beers to taste, but I think the favorite of the night was the Scaldis Noel (abv 13%). :)

Bob had to show his Ohio State University socks to all of the Oregonians.
Pretzel necklace time! Loi-Babe couldn't resist buying one of these tasty and stylish treats.
Kaede and Lois= BFF :)

We all had a great time hanging out and tasting a few beers. I hope Bob and Lois come out again next year. :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Work Hard, Play Hard


Bob and Lois came to visit us this past weekend. Bob has been pretty pumped for this trip because he loves house projects and we have quite a few here. The first project was fixing our lovely back patio/sunroom. The floor was a hideous green and it smelled like wet dog (the previous owner had three dogs and this was the dog/exercise room). With a little hard work from Big Bob and Tom, the new floor turned out great and looks spectacular!

Next post: Play Hard....hehe! I know you can't wait to see the next pictures. :)


These pics are of Tom and I's first sit down dinner in the new house.

This is the first time Tom did some yard work for our house.

These pics are from Tom and I's first Thanksgiving by ourselves. The meal was pretty tasty!

New House

Hey Everyone!

Sorry it's been awhile. Tom and I have been super busy with buying a house, filming with HGTV, and I finally got a job! We've been working on filling the house with lots of IKEA furniture, and it is now starting to feel like a home. :) Enjoy the pics!

This pic was from Halloween. HGTV was very kind to us and bought us a new TV. :)

Our house was kinda messy when I took these pictures, but atleast you get the idea what it looks like with our furniture. :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Amy and Steve's Wedding 10.3.2009

It was pretty easy to pick me out in this line up. I thought about getting a blonde wig to blend in with the rest of bridesmaids. I kinda got stuck with how to make my skin blend as well...hehe!

Amy and Steve took a few pics at their new home!

This blonde, curly hair guy is Carter Edwards, Amy's nephew. He is the cutest!

Amy sneakily got the mic and sang the first part of "At Last" to Steve during their first dance.

I passed table 14 when I was going back to get a piece of cake. Steve looks ridiculous...finding this was definitely one of the highlights of the night.

Amy and Steve's Wedding 10.3.2009: Before the Ceremony

Wedding Day! All the women got up early to get their hair did and have our faces put on. :) It was fun to have a little girl time before the ceremony.

Vicki (Amy's mom), Amy, and Debbie (Steve's mom)

Kelly and Amy

Steve's mother, Debbie, gave Amy a little wedding present before she got all dressed up for the day. Debbie is so sweet!

, For Amy's wedding gift, Steve made this box for her and put another gift inside the box.

Steve gave Amy a new ipod and left her a video message. It was so ridiculously sweet, I cried.

Sometimes I get sweaty and need to blot :)