Friday, February 27, 2009


Hi Everyone! Since I'm kind of a big deal, I thought a blog would be a good way to update people about what's new in my life. :) I'll try to put up more pictures than words, so this blog will be a quick read. Feel free to post comments!

Pictures: Covering the Basics
1. Apartment- if you visit we have boxes in the corners and in the hallway. We're keeping moving boxes partially packed for when we move this summer (hopefully move to a house!!)

Above is the Guest Bedroom...Plenty of space and a Queen bed!

Above is a picture of our room. Definitely getting a new comforter when we move.

This is our messy kitchen, where I try to cook and bake. :)

2. Pictures Around Oregon- these were stolen from Tom's blog (link to Portland Nights: the Ballad of Tommy Hartings is found on the right under "My Blog List")

3. New Car- Well, the car is new to us. :) It's a 2005 Chevy Equinox. Tom wants us to name is "The Ox" or something silly like that. Right now, we just call it "the new car"...feel free to post some name suggestions for us!

Final Random Thoughts: (I definitely wont write this much in other posts) ;)

~ Some friends have asked me about the job hunt and I just wanted to let you all know that I'm still hunting. You would think as a nurse, I would be able to find a job easily. However, I found out from a nurse recruiter that there are nurses out there being laid off because of the recession. Those nurses with actual RN experience usually get the jobs before people like me (newgrad with only student nurse experience). BOOOOO....I know. Hopefully something will come up in the near future.

~ Since, I am stuck in the apartment most days, I've been keeping busy by working on my domestic goddess/good wifey skills. So far I've mastered the chocolate chip cookie, blueberry muffin, apple pie, and many easy-to-make dinners. Yay!

~ Many people have ask me how is living with a boy....I usually respond by saying "it's different, but it's a lot of fun." The biggest change I've notice is that my carb intake has increased by 80%. Tom eats different things and enjoys snack food (pretzels, chips, etc.) . I never had that stuff around me so disciplining myself to eat small portions was a challenge. For those concerned about Tom's diet...Since I've been making dinner, I know his pizza/cold meat sandwich intake has decreased by like 75%. I make him eat his veggies. hehe.

~ Lastly, people have asked me about the Northwest. Living here has been an interesting change, and I've decided that I actually like it. It's unique here. People are very environmentally friendly; love their local businesses; and enjoy everything that is vintage. It's hard to describe the vibe here... you all just need to visit!
