Sunday, September 19, 2010

Big People Furniture

We finally decided to buy real, non-ikea, fully assembled furniture. We needed a sideboard for extra glassware storage and we found this awesome sideboard at Crate and Barrel. It felt a little bit like Christmas opening this up. It looks fantastic and matching the rest of the furniture really well! :)

Football Party!

A few weekends ago Tom and I had people over to watch college football all day long! Our college football party was complete with games of beer pong, cornhole, flip cup, foot races and made up frisbee drinking games. The night ended with poker, and Lady and Doogie cuddling on the couch. :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Henry meets Lady

We had the pleasure of dogsitting Henry over a weekend. After a few days him and Lady became good friends....

Lady Graduates!

Lady graduated puppy school!


Picture Above: Old faucet

New Faucet

Old Bathroom

New Bathroom

New Bathroom
Thank you Bob and Lois for making our house feel brand new!