Monday, May 17, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Hey Folks!

Tom and I are very excited to announce we're going to get a puppy! We decided with my allergies a poodle mix of some kind would be the best. We chose the Goldendoodle, mainly because we liked the goofy look of them. Never seen a Goldendoodle before? They look like Golden Retrievers, but one that looks like it stuck it's paw in an electrical socket and now all it's hair is curly. hehe.

We wanted a smaller dog, so we found a breeder in Oregon that was having a "mini Goldendoodle" litter (website posted below). The litter was born on April 19, and we'll be able to take the puppy home on June 19. In the litter, there are 3 girls and 2 boys. Tom and I would like to choose one of the girls, but who knows...everyone tells me the dog picks you, not the other way around. Though we signed up for a girl, maybe we'll end up with a boy!

Below are the pictures of the three girls. Right now, we're leaning towards the pink or yellow girl. Their coats look a little more wavy, which will be good for my allergies. We're both super excited and hope you all can visit us when we have her.

If you're in the area looking for a goldendoodle's their website:

Pictures from

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Oh the darn yard!

Hey Folks,

Today, I spent hours outside. First off, we have a mole. We have about 5 conical shaped mounds in our front yard. I have successfully dug each up found their tunnels and shoved poison in them. Yes, you heard me right, I want those suckas to die! I also set up a heavy duty mole trap that straddles one of their tunnels. I'm going to get them...muahaha.
Anyways, next, I spent the next few hours shopping for plants and planting new flowers in our flower boxes. I also killed spiders...Yes, you heard right! I KILLED spiders on my own today. I felt very empowered that I could do it on my own. (it's usually Tom's job) I also planted some beautiful flowers in two of our hanging flower baskets. I hope they survive and bloom well. I'm a little nervous about those. After that, I spent a few hours, trimming and raking the yard. Everything is so overgrown here. We didn't do a good job last fall trimming things for this Spring. I just did the front yard today, and it was a ton of work. I DID NOT mow the lawn. After being outside for 6 hours, I've decided to take a break. I believe the grass will survive another week, and then Tom will be home to mow! more mowing for me. Strangely, today, I felt really good about being productive outside. I think I'm beginning to like planting and making things look nice and tidy. :)

I have a ton of pictures from today, but again, I wont be able to post them for awhile. Sit tight... :)


The Almost Dr. Abbe comes for a visit!

Hey Everyone,

I apologize for posting this without pictures. I will add pictures as soon as I can. For some reason my Sony camera software will not work on my mac. I might have to wait until next weekend to upload pictures. :)

Anywho...Last weekend, my good friend Abbe came all the way from Ohio to visit Tom and I. We were extremely happy to have her and show her all the wonders of Oregon.

Day 1.
Abbe and I went to happy hour at the fabulous Portland City Grill. We then headed to the square for her to take the honorary Portland statue picture, and lastly, we went to Powells book store.
Day 2
Abbe and I did a little wine tasting in Dundee, OR. We randomly ran into a few Ohio visitors, and we made friends with farmer Sam at Mareash Vineyards. Later that day we met up with Tom for some dinner, and a quick stop at Shane and Maria's for Maria's birthday party! Day 3
We rolled out of bed and headed to Beaterville for fabulous breakfast. Next, we went to the Columbia River Gorge for some hiking and waterfalls. It was a misty, overcast day, but it was still neat to see all the waterfalls. Later that day, Abbe and I said farewell to Tom as he went off to China for a couple of weeks. We finished the weekend hanging out, ordering take out, and watching a few good movies. :)

Day 4
Abbe and I said our goodbyes early in the morning. When I returned, I tried to do my chores Tom left for me to do. Well, actually, there was only one chore he wanted me to was to mow the lawn. I have never mowed the lawn before ever...and I never want to again. I have to say, I did a really poor job. There are now stripes in our backyard.
Abbe, thanks for coming to visit. I know you've been super busy with Med School, and we really appreciate you taking the time to fly all the way over here. We loved having you here! The next time I see you, I'll finally be able to call you Dr. Craven! :)

Again, I'll post pictures as soon as I can!