Sunday, May 9, 2010

Oh the darn yard!

Hey Folks,

Today, I spent hours outside. First off, we have a mole. We have about 5 conical shaped mounds in our front yard. I have successfully dug each up found their tunnels and shoved poison in them. Yes, you heard me right, I want those suckas to die! I also set up a heavy duty mole trap that straddles one of their tunnels. I'm going to get them...muahaha.
Anyways, next, I spent the next few hours shopping for plants and planting new flowers in our flower boxes. I also killed spiders...Yes, you heard right! I KILLED spiders on my own today. I felt very empowered that I could do it on my own. (it's usually Tom's job) I also planted some beautiful flowers in two of our hanging flower baskets. I hope they survive and bloom well. I'm a little nervous about those. After that, I spent a few hours, trimming and raking the yard. Everything is so overgrown here. We didn't do a good job last fall trimming things for this Spring. I just did the front yard today, and it was a ton of work. I DID NOT mow the lawn. After being outside for 6 hours, I've decided to take a break. I believe the grass will survive another week, and then Tom will be home to mow! more mowing for me. Strangely, today, I felt really good about being productive outside. I think I'm beginning to like planting and making things look nice and tidy. :)

I have a ton of pictures from today, but again, I wont be able to post them for awhile. Sit tight... :)


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