Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tom and Adrienne Adventure II

Day 2 of the Tom and Adrienne Adventure!

We head over to Fort Casey State Park to pretend we are defending the island from invaders!

After Fort Casey State Park, we drive over to Ebey's Landing and do a 3.5 mi hike around the bluff and beach.

Next, we headed over to Coupeville for lunch at the Knead and Feed. The cove by Coupeville is called Penn Cove, and they are known for their mussels. Unfortunately, I didn't know that while we were there and didn't try them. It'll just be a great excuse to go back someday!
After lunch, we had a little time to do a quick stop at a thrift store Tom spotted along our adventure.

Wedding Ceremony

This is the area all the chairs were set up for the wedding. You can't see it from the picture, but this overlooked a really pretty valley.

Karen had a vintage inspired dress with lace and ruffles all along the front and back of the dress. The bridesmaid had on short, yellow, vintage styled dresses. Both of the dresses looked absolutely gorgeous next to the all of the flowers in the garden!
The pics below are of the barn where the reception was held.

(Tom, Austin, Karen, Liz, Jeremy)

Tom and Adrienne Adventure

Hey Folks! Tom and I had a pretty full weekend of activities and exploring. We headed to Whidbey Island for Tom's friend, Karen's wedding and did some exploring in between. On our way back from Whidbey, did some more sightseeing, and stopped in downtown Seattle or "Schattle"(as Millie P would say) for our one year anniversary...Ekk! I can't believe it's been that long! Since it was a big trip, I'm going to split up the posts. Below are pictures from our first day.

Friday: The Adventure begins! We take a ferry boat over to Whidbey Island, drive to our bed and breakfast to get ready quickly before the rehearsal dinner.
While we are waiting for our ferry boat, we take a quick walk to stretch and watch people catch some crabs. hehe...
Driving onto the ferry boat.

Watching another ferry boat from ours.

Rehearsal Dinner. After the ferry ride, we quickly run over to the party. Tim's parents (groom's parents) rented a beautiful waterfront house on Whidbey and hosted the rehearsal dinner. The pic above is Karen (the bride-to-be, wearing the white/green stripe dress) and Carley (blue dress) playing the longest game of cornhole! :)

It rained for a little while we were there, and the results were the biggest, brightest rainbows.

Carley and Eric taking crazy pictures by the water.

We decided to take crazy pictures too!

The Farmhouse Bed and Breakfast. Since we were rushing to the rehearsal dinner, we didn't have time to take a lot of pictures that night. The pictures below are of the b&b from all the days we stayed there.

View of Useless Bay from the backyard of the house.

All of the suites had a private entrance and sitting area outside. Our suite faced the backyard.

The B&B was very nice! I thought the decorations were a little too much, but according to Tom and his knowledge of bed and breakfast places, they are all kind of like that. We had a very comfortable stay, and the breakfasts they left for us were fabulous!

Probably the best part of the B&B is that they had animals. They have two donkeys, two sheep, and tons of bunnies running around. The bunnies were very friendly and would run right up to you. If you didn't have any food, they would just sniff your hand and then hop away. Though the rabbits were used to people feeding them, they were still a little scared. If you raised your hand too quickly, they would turn and run away. On our last day there, Tom picked an apple for one of the rabbits and got super close to its face. Enjoy the pics!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Alicia and J's Wedding 7.10.2006

About a week and a half ago, our great friends Alicia and J were marrried! After the Florida trip, I had about 3 days to get ready fly to Cleveland. Alicia and J's ceremony and reception was held at the Sawmill Creek Resort in Huron, OH. Below are pics from the weekend...

This is the area the ceremony was held. The bridal party walked over this bridge.

Above is a pic of the bridesmaids and lil' flower girl.

As bridesmaid gifts, Alicia gave us really pretty necklaces. She picked out different charms for everyone. She picked a palm tree for me because it reminded her of our time in Mexico and because palm trees=vacation and fun, which I guess equals me. :) I love my necklace!

Alicia with the ring bearer and flower girl

Wedding Day!

Despite getting pooped on by a bird during the rehearsal and almost falling out of the car before I had to walk over the bridge and down the aisle, the weekend was absolutely perfect. Most importantly, all that Alicia was worried about didn't happen (ie. rain) and everything went very smoothly. The reception was so much fun, I didn't have time to capture it on camera...I was a dancin' machine. :)

Thanks to Momma Peg and Pappa George for throwing a fabulous party! I had such a great time! Alicia and J, thank you for letting me apart of your wedding and for the very memorable weekend.