Monday, July 20, 2009

Alicia and J's Wedding 7.10.2006

About a week and a half ago, our great friends Alicia and J were marrried! After the Florida trip, I had about 3 days to get ready fly to Cleveland. Alicia and J's ceremony and reception was held at the Sawmill Creek Resort in Huron, OH. Below are pics from the weekend...

This is the area the ceremony was held. The bridal party walked over this bridge.

Above is a pic of the bridesmaids and lil' flower girl.

As bridesmaid gifts, Alicia gave us really pretty necklaces. She picked out different charms for everyone. She picked a palm tree for me because it reminded her of our time in Mexico and because palm trees=vacation and fun, which I guess equals me. :) I love my necklace!

Alicia with the ring bearer and flower girl

Wedding Day!

Despite getting pooped on by a bird during the rehearsal and almost falling out of the car before I had to walk over the bridge and down the aisle, the weekend was absolutely perfect. Most importantly, all that Alicia was worried about didn't happen (ie. rain) and everything went very smoothly. The reception was so much fun, I didn't have time to capture it on camera...I was a dancin' machine. :)

Thanks to Momma Peg and Pappa George for throwing a fabulous party! I had such a great time! Alicia and J, thank you for letting me apart of your wedding and for the very memorable weekend.


1 comment:

  1. Adrienne,

    Sorry I didn't get a chance to call you back yesterday. I thought I would be free, but ended up busy with stuff around the house. I also wanted to tell you that my cousin got married at the same resort 3 years ago. Small world, they also had the ceremony out by the water and crossed the bridge. It was beautiful!

