Monday, July 13, 2009

Chris and Jess's Wedding 7.3.2009

Hey Folks! I am SO sorry it has taken me a LONG time to finally update my blog. These last few weeks have just gone by way too quickly with a family vacation and two weddings, one in Florida and the other in Ohio. For right now, I'll just update about the family vaca and the Tom's cousin's wedding.

For about 5 days the Hartings clan got together in Siesta Key, FL. We had lots of fun eating seafood, playing cards, drinking beer, and of course, playing around the beach and ocean. I've got to thank Big Bob and Loi-Babe for picking out the best condo, snack food, and buying fabulous meals- You guys are awesome!We had such a great time.:) The next few pictures are from the beach and pool.

Most of the Hartings family

Libby, Danny, and Johnny (Cousins)

Chris (groom), Steve, Nick(cousins) and of course Tom :)

Emma and Kaitlyn (sooo cute!)

Tom and Claire
Tom would only let me bury his feet, so I decided to make shoes.

These next few shots are at the pool. Thanks to Matt for bringing his handy water proof camera holder thing so we can take funny pictures in the water.

Wedding Day! They had a beautiful beach ceremony.

The wedding was gorgeous, and of course, I was a baby and cried. :)

This pic is taken during cocktail hour. The guy in the middle is Doug and he's dating Chris's younger sister, Rebecca. Since Rebecca is in the wedding party, we told her we would keep Doug company. :)

I put on Tom's jacket because I got really cold during the reception. I thought that the napkins would keep me even warmer. After I put those on, we decided that it made me look like I had a big man's body and a little head.

For me the best part of the vacation besides seeing Chris and Jess get married was being able to spend time and get to know Tom's extended family. I only see the extended family during the holidays and it's usually for a few hours on one day. Not that I had deep and meaningful conversations with everyone and now we're BFFs...but it was great to spend more time together and see all of the family actually enjoying eachothers' company. I think I was touched by this because most of my small extended family live in the Philippines, and I never got to experience cousins, aunts, and uncles they way Tom's family gets to. I am very happy and lucky to be apart of a family like this. :)

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