Sunday, June 7, 2009

Birthday Shout Out!

Sorry it's been awhile! I wanted to give a belated birthday shout out to the following folks...

May 19- Abbe!

May 18- Emil!

May 29- Eric!

June 1-Matt!

Happy Birthday Everyone! I hope you all had fabulous birthdays :)


  1. walkin' like an egyptianJune 7, 2009 at 9:22 PM

    omg where on earth is that picture from?! i definitely remember taking it, but can't for sure remember where -- london? (also - i slightly resent that you think i'm a whole four days older than i really am!!) just kidding of course. thanks so much for the b-day shout out! and i still can't get over the card - i feel like i'm trapped in a glass case of emotion every time i see it :)

  2. walkin' like an egyptianJune 7, 2009 at 9:35 PM

    oops - that was paris :)

  3. haha sorry! i fixed it... i kept thinking your bday was the 15th this year, i don't know why. also, the card i sent you was perfect. you loved it!
