Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ladies Weekend!

Hey Folks! Last weekend, I went all the way back to Columbus, OH for Alicia's bachelorette party!!! I was so excited to spend time with everyone back home and celebrate Alicia's last hoorah before getting hitched. It's been awhile since I've had a girly weekend complete with pedicures and fancy drinks, I cherished every moment!

My trip started out a lil' rocky with a few delays because there was low visibility in New Jersey (my stop over...yes I know it's crazy for my stop over to be in Jersey). When I finally made it to New Jersey, I had a pleasant surprise at the boarding gate...I saw this familiar person wearing this bright red OSU shirt and making friends with elderly folk. When I walked closer, I realized it was Amy! Holy Cow! Soooo I quietly tip-toed up behind her like a ninja and tried to steal her bag. After confused looks by her and people around me, she recognized me and we hugged (sigh...). Though I was not happy about being delayed for a few more hours in Jersey, I was extremely happy to spend the extra time with Amy. She was on her way back from Portugal, and it never occured to either of us that there may have been a chance we would be on the same flight home.

Above is Alicia's Garmin. It's pink, just like my camera...I had to take a picture!

Below are pictures of Alicia and J's new house...

Party Time!!! Below are pictures of Alicia's bachelorette party (rated PG). We started with drinks and appetizers at Alicia's new house and then dinner at Bucca di Beppo. After dinner, we were off to have more drinks and find boys that would buy them for us. LOL!

This is Alicia's Freshmen year composite pictures for her sorority. For some strange reason, Amy had it in her purse. We decided to put it up in Buccas among all the other pictures. Hopefully one of the girls will go to Buccas next week and see if it's still there. :)

Ladies, I had such a fabulous time! It was so great to see all of you again. Thanks to everyone who met up with me during the weekend and working with my schedule! Also, Alicia, thanks so much for letting me stay over and hang out with you all was just like old times!


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