Monday, August 31, 2009

Ohio Trip: Final Fling Before the Ring!

After the bridal shower, we headed to Indian Lake for a girls getaway! Kelly, Amy's sister-in-law and co-matron of honor, found the house for us. She did an amazing job because the house was absolutely gorgeous.

We started the night handing out cute t-shirts for everyone to wear. The shirts were a really good idea. When we were out and about, we got a lot of compliments on them. :)

After some food and fun drinks at the house, we played a few innocent bachelorette games, and then we headed out to bars around the lake. :) Since I've been living in a city for awhile, I forgot how country it can be back home. I've never seen so many Harley Davidson cut off tees and short jeans shorts in one place, but as always, we had a great time meeting all sorts of people and dancing the night away!

All of Amy's parties went extremely well, and I'm pretty sure everyone had a great time. I'm really honored that I was able to help put something like this together for Amy. It was such a fun process! Also, I was extremely happy to finally meet some of Amy's friends and family that I've always heard about but have not yet met. They are so nice and wonderful. It makes me incredibly excited for the wedding on Oct.3! Yay!
Oh yeah...I almost forgot to mention

Since we had extra t-shirts, I was able to get one for Tom. Maybe giving it to him was a mistake because when he puts it on, he gets in party mode and goes crazy.... :)

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