Saturday, August 29, 2009

End of Summer 2009

Hey Folks!

Sorry it's been awhile since I've last posted. I recently got back from a trip to my hometown. It was a nice, relaxing trip. I have tons of pictures, but I think I'll post those pictures later this week. For this post, I wanted to put up some pictures from this past summer. :)

Since last March, I've been involved in a program called Homework Helpers. During the school year, I would go to an apartment complex and tutor grade school children for about 2 hours after school. It was really cool to be apart of this group and watch the kids learn the new material and eventually master the new material. For the summer months, I helped out at the same apartment complex handing out free lunches to children. Sometimes before lunch, we'd practice some math or reading skills. Since I spent a lot of time volunteering over there, I've made a lot of great friends and became attached to some of the children. A few weeks ago, it was my last day volunteering. It was a really sad saying bye to everyone...I had an amazing experience there, and I am glad I had the opportunity to help out.

In the orange shirt is Jacki. She created the tutoring program and headed the free lunch program. In the stripe shirt is Suzanna, a fellow volunteer for the free lunches. The little girl standing next to me is Dahiro...I worked with her a lot during Homework Helpers and she always kept me company while I served free lunches. I already miss her... :*(

Me with a few of the kids...I'm in the pink in the back. Yes, I know...I blend in with the grade school age children pretty well.

Below are just fun pictures from our last pool party.

This past summer was amazing....absolutely beautiful weather. I hope fall is just as nice. I think I'm liking Oregon more and more... :)

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