Monday, September 14, 2009

HGTV and 10K

This past weekend Tom and I were suppose to have our first filming day with HGTV. However, they needed the camera crews to film other My First Place people around Portland receiving acceptances and giving offers on houses. We were going to film our "house hunting day", which means we were going to visit two houses and they would film us going through it and our comments. It is a lot easier to reschedule this day because they are still able to film our first reactions. Since acceptances and offers are time sensitive, they couldn't wait. We rescheduled to film the "house hunting day" for September 26. :)

Yesterday, Tom and I ran in Pints to Pasta. It is a 10k that starts at adidas, we pass Widmer Brewing Co, and then finish at the Old Spaghetti Factory. I was a little nervous because it was my first 10k, but it went pretty well. There were definitely more downhills and flat road, making the 10k pretty easy. Tom and I ran together, or rather, I was running, while Tom was jogging leisurely, taking pictures the whole way. I'm glad he stayed with me. I think a 10k can be a little lonely without anyone to chat to. Although, at mile 6 I was about to kill Tom when he took a picture of me... I was happy he went slow to kept me company. After this 10k, I planned to run in a half marathon at the end of October. However, I think I'll do a few more 10k runs before I tackle a half marathon. After this 10k, it opened my eyes that I need to work on my endurance and pacing a little more. :)


  1. ooh this looked like fun! did they serve widmer at finish?

  2. Yup! Tom drank the beers, and I went for the free Jamba Juice...Yum! :)
