Thursday, September 10, 2009

Next Post...

Hey Hey!

Sorry it's been a long time, but Tom and I have been super busy looking for a house in our free time...and with applying to jobs and Tom has fall reviews coming up...we've been really exhausted to do anything else. I have two more posts coming up from the Ohio Trip. I have some pics from Carmen's bridal shower and pics from dinner with the in-laws. After that, hopefully I'll have some new pictures of this weekend when we film with HGTV.

Some of you may not know, but Tom and I were casted to be on My First Place. (Yay! It's all thanks to Momma Peg's suggestion to apply) We are very excited to be apart of the show, but so far, looking at houses, figuring out our budget, and compromising between what Tom and I want in a house has been emotionally and physically exhausting. The show is filmed in a documentary style. They don't assist us with anything and just follow our house hunting story with a camera. Luckily, Tom and I have had the past three weeks to look at houses without a camera being there. It's been nice to see the different neighborhoods and narrowing down areas we like. Also, it's been very educational to see what can afford, which has led to Tom and I having many discussions on what we can live without. Obviously, this has been a little stressful....I'm glad we haven't filmed yet because I've already been pretty emotional during this process. I've cried from frustration...I've been crabby because there have been multiple times Tom and I haven't been on the same page. Hopefully, I've worked out all temper tantrums and water works out of my system. Tom and I are in a much better place now with knowing what we want and what's best for each other. I'm really glad we had this time to work out the kinks. Hopefully, it'll make us look like smart first time home buyers. I'd die if they would have gotten to film those moments...I really don't want them to make me look like I'm a crabby, crying baby. :)

Our first filming day for the show is on Saturday. I know, I know....OSU is playing USC. Hopefully, we'll be done by 5pm so we can watch the game somewhere. We're a little anxious for our first day of filming. Wish us luck!

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