Monday, September 14, 2009

The Last of the Ohio Pics...Almost

The last night I was in Ohio, my in-laws made me a farewell dinner. It was absolutely ridunculous. They made homemade pizza for an appetizer, and parmesan chicken and eggplant for dinner. I was really happy to get to spend time with family.
I am still waiting on Carmen to send me a few pics of us from her bridal shower, but after I post and write about that that should be the last of the OH pics. My NEXT post, which I'm going to be working on right after I post this is, will be about this past weekend. :)

1 comment:

  1. Adrienne congrats on the HGTV filming that is soo exciting! I just love reading you blog and seeing your pictures you look so beautiful! Hope to see you and Tom back in Ohio sometime soon :-)

    Kelly Hoying
