Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mothers Day and Claire's Baptism

This past weekend Tom and I went to California for Claire's baptism. We had an amazing weekend playing with Kaitlyn, snuggling with Claire, and eating fabulous food.
Day 1

Since Tom loves pizza almost as much as me, Matt and Erika thought a pizza night was must. At Zelo's they serve deep dish pizzas and it totally hit the spot.

This is a short clip of Kaitlyn singing...she kept singing the same thing and sticking everyone's name at the end. :)

Day 2

Before the baptism Kaitlyn and Tom had time to play a little soccer.

Claire slept through pretty much the entire ceremony. Kaitlyn on the other hand freaked out when they pour water on Claire's head saying things like "What doing to Claire? Claire not okay!" When we made it back to our pew, Kaitlyn turned to me teary-eyed asking, "Claire blessed now? Claire blessed now?"....Adorable.

We were both a little tired after the baptism. :)

Matt was jealous and wanted to wear Claire's bonnet too.

Since it was such a nice day, we decided to spend a little time in the park...

After the park, we did a little video chatting with Big Bob and Loi-Babe...

Day 3

Kaitlyn woke us up on our last day saying, "Adrienne and Tommy sleepy" over and over...it was adorable so I woke up to join Kaitlyn for a little breakfast. As soon as she saw me she said, "Good morning, Adrienne. I have a doughnut!" She was so polite and happy at 7am, I couldn't help but smile at her.

Tom and I were treated to a special breakfast at Julienne's. It was SOOOOO ridiculously good. Above is a pic of Tom's chocolate chip waffles and berries.

We got a chance to do a little shopping. (yay!) After, we went back to the apartment to hang out one last time with the family before our flight to Oregon.

Matt and Erika, we had a great time and are very honored you asked us to be Claire's godparents. I can't wait to see the whole family again in a few months!



  1. You are too cute, Adrienne. I love the play-by-play. You make it sound so much more fun than being cooped up in an apartment all weekend with two little ones! Claire is so lucky to have you both as godparents. THANK YOU!

  2. The pictures are adorable! p.s. I'm in love with your red and pink flower dress . . . you look gorgeous! Hope all is well
