Sunday, May 3, 2009

Our Trip to Woodburn, OR

Hey Folks! Yesterday, Tom and I took a little day trip to Woodburn, OR to go to the Woodburn Tulip Festival and do a little shopping. We arrived in the afternoon and luckily had fabulous weather to take gorgeous pictures of the beautiful fields. A few hours after we got there it started to pour (grrr!). We took shelter by running from tent to tent seeing all the different crafts and things people made to sell. We finished our day in Woodburn doing a little shopping at the outlets. Despite the rainy weather, we had a great time and really enjoyed the festival and shopping. Below are pics from my camera...if you want to see more photos check out Tom's blog. His blog link is under my Blog List located on the side panel :) Enjoy!

We were stuck in traffic when we saw this lovely bumper sticker.

These are Tom's new unnecessary shoes. As you can see they glow in the dark.


  1. Looks like fun! I have to agree with Tom's blog.... tulips are pretty. :)

  2. Those tulips look so pretty! Too bad the festival ended yesterday. BOO!. Hope all is well.
