Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter 2009

This past weekend the Yannuccis came to visit. I think we gave them a great taste of what Portland has to offer and even got to go to the Columbia River Gorge to see some waterfalls. It was a little rainy, but we had a fabulous time. Below are some pictures from our weekend...Enjoy!
(Emily and Yanni- change the song to #3. hehe)

In preparation for Yanni's visit, I called ahead and found out he wanted oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. I really liked the recipe and will be posting it at the end of this month. :)

When you come and visit, seeing this statue and taking a picture with it is a must.

Stopping for a quick picture infront of the famous Portland sign.

After church we all stopped for a brunch at one of our favorite breakfast spots, Beaterville Cafe. As you can kinda see from the picture, the inside has a lot of character and color.

Of course, after fabulous breakfast, we had to see where Tom works because it's much cooler than 90% of the jobs out there. As you can see, they like to pose like the Portland statue from downtown.

After visiting work, we took a nice, kinda rainy drive to the waterfalls.

The gang in front of Bridal Veil falls.

Yes, that weee tiny lil' figure down there is Yanni. Tom took this pic and standing from this distance, we were all getting kinda wet from the waterfall. Needless to say after this pic, Yanni was soaked on one side. :)

After the cold and wet weather, we warmed up at home with some dry clothes and Easter candy. [Side Story: A few weeks ago Tom went on and on about how much he missed his mother's Easter baskets and how she still made them when he was in college...oh brother...he was heavily hinting that he wanted someone to make him a basket. Sooo who would that someone be?? Yep, that's right....I made my 25 yo husband an Easter basket and his eyes lit up like a lil' kid. Since we were having company, I made one for everyone to enjoy...For my first time making Easter baskets, it was a lot of fun.]

Oh, the famous Cadbury egg. The one thing I would buy myself every Easter. It's takes me about an hour to eat it. I have to set it down for awhile b/c it's a lil' too sweet for me.

We had so much fun this past weekend. When you don't have family close by, it's just as nice to spend these little holiday weekends with great friends.
Emily and Yanni, please come back anytime. We absolutely loved having you over. If you come back next Easter, I promise homemade brunch, some filipino food and plastic eggs with a lil' candy and money. :)

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