Saturday, April 4, 2009

Oh Pretty Days...

Yay!!! Finally, we had a beautiful cloudless day. For the past two or three weeks, the weather has been absolutely crappy...the gloomy and rainy days were really starting to get to me...yuck! Since it was gorgeous outside, we decided to spend our lovely day at Washington Park to visit the zoo and rose garden.

Tom and I were so happy about the weather we started to go a little nuts in the apartment.

I LOVE these trees...they are everywhere here and absolutely gorgeous. Do you see the blue sky in the background...haven't seen it like that in weeks...yay for clear days!

He looked a little sad... :(

This is a video of a fruit bat stretching

Tom has better photos of the zoo so make sure to check his blog. Since he was taking the better pics, I decided to be lazy and just take a few. Anyways...I hope you are all having good weather and going outside to enjoy it!!!


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