Monday, April 13, 2009

The Job Hunt

SOOoooooo after Christmas I thought finding a job would be a piece of cake. I mean, isn't there suppose to be a nursing shortage in this country?! Anywho, after many months of applying and hearing nothing, I finally got a job! YAY...HOORAY!!!! I networked through a lovely church lady and landed a job at a pediatrics clinic. All of the people in the clinic are ridiculously nice, especially the fabulous doctor that hired me on. It's an on-call position, but I'm gaining some great experience. Hopefully in the future, I can find a more stable job, but for right now this will do. I am very happy, and I know I am very lucky to get this job during this crazy recession. :) Below are some pics from my first day.


PS. Jenny- See...the post is much better with fun pictures :)

1 comment:

  1. Agreed! Glad you had a great Easter and are enjoying Portland. Todd and I need to get out there... what happened to twice a year?

