Sunday, March 1, 2009 Millie P would say :)

Recently, I went on a trip to Naples, FL with my mom. The highlights of the trip were eating great seafood, going to the museum, and the average 75 degree weather. We also went to a lot of the nice shopping districts. Apparently, the majority of people in Naples, who happen to be over 55 and retired, are not at all affected by the recession. There were tons of people everywhere we went eating at nice restaurants and shopping their little hearts away. :) Below are a few pictures...very few because I didn't take a lot. Also, below I made a little list of Pros and Cons if you are ever thinking of maybe visiting Naples. Enjoy!

St. Agnes Catholic Church, Naples, FL

Naples Museum of Art

Waterside Shops

Pros: Vanderbilt Beach (very pretty), Miramar Outlets (best I've ever been to), near to Everglades and Marco Island. Recommended Restaurants include- Blu Sushi and the Dock at Crayton Cove

Cons: People are snobby. I cannot tell you how many times people looked me up and down when I was wearing jeans and an old Tri-Delt t-shirt. Driving is terrible. You either have people that drive extremely slow or ridiculously fast. There is no in between and people are not nice when driving. There are a lot of older rich folk that expect you to get out of their way...I know this sounds crazy, but just take my word for it. :)


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