Monday, March 9, 2009

The Wild Dave

This past weekend David Hoying decided to grace us with his presence. We had a fabulous time doing a lot of hiking, eating, and drinking. Enjoy all the pics!

Day 1: Walking Tour of Downtown- The first day Dave arrived we went on a walking tour of downtown Portland. We only made it to Pioneer Square and the Willamette River before we met up with Tom. We had a fabulous dinner at Jake's Famous Crawfish, walked around Powell's bookstore, and finally ended at the Shanghai Tunnels for a few beers.

Day 2: Cannon Beach- According to Tom, we did about a 3 mile round trip hike along the coast. It was pretty cold, rainy, and muddy, but it was so much fun. For those of you who know me well, I am NOT an outdoorsy person at all. But this weekend, I discovered that I really like walking along trails and playing in mud. I don't have many pictures that represent the trail accurately, but we spent most of the hike trying to dance around really muddy parts. We took the trail to another beach and by the time we started going back, a storm came in and the misty rain turned to hail. We decided that it would be better to run most of the way back because of the weather. After awhile the rain/hail stopped and we took it back to a walking pace. However, because of the little run we did, the bottom of our pants and shoes were caked in mud. :) It was so much fun!

Tom and Dave jogging on the muddy trail

Dave jogging downhill and trying to avoid getting muddy

Our shoes 1/2 through our hike

A little bit of sun would peek through the clouds every now and then :)
When we finally made it back to the car, we spotted Caribou along the side of the parking lot
Day 3: Waterfalls at the Columbia River Gorge- After Church, fabulous brunch, and taking advantage of Tom's adidas discount, we headed east to see the waterfalls. We stopped and saw a few small waterfalls before getting to the big one (Multnomah Falls), which is pictured below. We did a 2.2 mile round trip hike to the top of this waterfall with an elevation around 620ft. Luckily, we had pretty nice weather for Dave's last day.

From the bottom of the Multnomah Waterfalls

From the top of the Multnomah Waterfall

The Wild Dave posing by a smaller waterfall

Dave- Thanks for taking the time to come and visit. We had such a great time with you. Come back soon!

Hopefully these pictures will entice the rest of you to visit us as well! :)


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