Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Kaitlyn's 2nd Birthday (a few days late)

Aaaahhhhh...she's two! Can you believe it...and she'll be a big sister soon! SOoo CRAZY!! It's seems like yesterday I was holding the lil' peanut in my arms (and yes, she still looked big whenever I held her) *sigh*...

Enjoy the pics of this silly California girl...and check out Erika's Blog (link on the side bar of my blog, under "blog list") to see pictures of the big birthday!

Sometimes she likes to pinch. I usually respond by opening my mouth and pretending to devour her fingers.
Princess Kaitlyn
I'll let you in on a little secret...if Kaitlyn starts to get a little frustrated with you just distract her with a little tickle or flip her upside down. She'll's a fabulous trick.
In this pic, I am trying to put Kaitlyn's shoes on her. Sadly, this was probably the last time she can sit on my lap and I am able to stretch my arms to help with the shoes. As you can see, she's rather long...I'm fairly sure she will surpass me in height soon.
Happy Birthday Kaitlyn!!

Porkchop (Her new name for me...strange, but funny) :)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the birthday did Kaitlyn. You are the best!!
