Monday, March 2, 2009

Introducing New Friends and Trivia Night

Introducing New Friends
Well Ladies and Gents, it has occured to me that I may have many stories that also involve the following people pictured below. I thought it would be a fabulous idea to introduce them so you can now put a face with the name. :)

This is Dave and Linda. Dave's a member of the basketball design team with Tom. They are tons of fun and are very talented in many PlayStation 3 and Wii games. What's unique about Dave and Linda is that when you play a game...and this can be any game, they have a theory/strategy to win. They are very nice and often share their strategies so we don't all look like fools. hehe.

This is Shane and Maria. They were the first people I got to know on my very first trip to Portland. They are incredibly sweet and sincere, and we always have a really good time going out. They both work at adidas. Shane designs running shoes and Maria designs itty bitty little kids basketball shoes (sooo cute!).

This is Mark and Tyler. They are a little hard to describe...sooo you just have to meet them. They are tons of fun and we enjoy going out to dinner and watching movies with them. I guess the best way to describe them would be to describe the vibe they give off... they have a laid back, creative energy about them. Mark worked at adidas designing basketball shoes with Tom and now, he works at Nike. Lately, Tyler and I have been baking pies and giving them back and forth... I think the Tom and Mark are enjoying it. :)

Trivia Night at the Goodfoot

One night at a bar Dave and Linda brought up that we should find a place that hosts trivia nights. At first we thought it was one of those little game things that you play at B-Dubs or Damons. However, they explained some bars host a trivia night where people come up with a team name, answer questions, and sometimes there are prizes. I guess in Boston (where Dave and Linda lived before) it was a huge thing, and they missed it.

Lo and behold, we found a trivia night at the Goodfoot. There were 4 rounds (general trivia, movies, bonus, and music), 10 questions in each round, and lots of extra ways to earn bonus points. Shane, Maria, Dave, Linda, Tom and I a.k.a "General Tsaos and his chickens" (our team name) all went on to score 12 right answers. Yup, that's right...12 right answers. We were the lowest scoring team; therefore we earned, 1 pint of PBR and choosing next week's Bonus Round category, which we picked "sneakers". hehe. It was a great time and hopefully next week we can beat our score of 12. :)


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