Monday, March 16, 2009

March 15, 2009: Shamrock Run

Hey Folks! Yesterday, Tom and I and many other adidas friends ran in the 31st Edition of the Portland Shamrock Run. Most of us signed up for the 5K. I ran with Maria, and it was our first time running together. I was pleasantly surprised that Maria and I kept a pace that was pretty much perfect for one another. We were steady the entire time, survived the longest uphill ever, and even had enough energy to kick it up a notch at the end. It was such a good race, and even though it was cold, rainy, and my feet were soaked, I had so much fun. Tom and I are very fortunate to have friends to share fun days like this with.

Group Pic after the 5K. In this Picture (L-R): Tyler, Adrian, Andrea, Maria, Tom, and Ap

Tom getting pumped before the race

One of my favorite quotes of the day was from Maria. During our run she said, "Look around, this is truly's cold, rainy and many people are running outside."


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